Going through a breakup? Philly’s Mark Lanky is here to help
Philly singer-songwriter Mark Lanky is the definition of dark and brooding. With a guitar in hand and a deep baritone voice (reminiscent of The National’s Matt Berninger), Lanky embodies a world of melancholy and anguish. It’s the simplicity of his music that is his overall appeal. He doesn’t need much to pull the listener in — a natural talent, if you will. Although the music is simple, Lanky’s lyricism isn’t. His words are deep and complex while capturing the emotional roller coaster of heartbreak and despair, especially in his song, “That Morning Sun.” Written about a breakup, Lanky’s echoey voice and the dreamy melody characterize a life that was as they fade away with the relationship.
You can see Lanky perform at BITBY’s Summer Sounds concert on August 15. For tickets and more information, visit the Facebook event page here.
A few months ago, videographer Ryan Shafer made a short documentary, Introducing Mark Lanky, following Lanky behind the scenes of his Ortlieb’s show. Check out the documentary for an inside look into the mind of Mark Lanky and listen to the full song, “That Morning Sun,” below.
Introducing Mark Lanky from Ryan R. Shafer on Vimeo.