RFA | Photo By Noah Silvestry | silvestography.com

There’s something about local rockers RFA that’s just so dang infectious. From their catchy guitar riffs,to their head-bang inducing drums, to the way every single member plays with such energy and joy that you can’t help but smile and jam along, this band’s got the thing.

Closing out their stream of Out of Town Films live video releases, which included renditions of “Teenage Love Song” and “Suzie Lee,” RFA recently shared the final video in the series, in which the band performs a brand new track titled, “Down Your Street.” Mixing sunny licks with a grunge-y garage vibe, the song builds from laid back breeziness into an all-out, crunchy jam fest.

If this kind of amazing live performance sounds like your cup of tea, I have great news: RFA will be taking over PhilaMOCA with their rock n roll charm on Wednesday, May 31st. Find more info on the show here and check out the video for “Down Your Street” below.