Pill Friends | photo via artist’s Facebook page

A few months back, lo-fi local outfit Pill Friends shared the saddening news of their bandmate / best friend / brother, Ryan Wilson’s passing.

Since then, the band members have been previewing a project in the works comprised of old B-side tracks, covers, and demos. Now, the compilation is complete — standing as a 19 track reminder of the love felt for Wilson. Read the statement from Pill Friends describing the collection, let’s be nice, on their Facebook page.

Every penny from the proceeds will go directly to a trust fund for Wilson’s daughter, Laurel. This band never asked for money for their digital tracks, always leaving “name your price” as an option on Bandcamp, so use this opportunity as a way to show your gratefulness and to help in some small way through this tragedy.

Stream let’s be nice (after donating if possible) below.