New Music Show Preview with Jack White, Janelle Monae and more!
Monday nights mean New Music Discovery on XPN! As we all do our best to hold on to summer, I’ve got some tunes that’ll sound great coming out of your car speakers. We’ll hear a new synth-rock band from Oakland called Waterstrider (one of my new favs), a Philly favorite, Shark Tape, channel The Replacements, and Bon Iver lending his one-of-a-kind vocals to an infectious new song from Francis & The Lights. Two hours of new music starts at 8pm tonight, here’s a sample of what else we’ll spin…
Jack White is dipping back into his archives. One can only imagine how many unreleased songs an artist as prolific as Jack would have. Well, this September Jack White Acousitc Recordings 1998-2016 is set to be released. It’s a career-spanning collection, that includes this previously unreleased White Stripes song “City Lights”
“Hum Along and Dance (Gotta Get Down)” by JANELLE MONAE
The Get Down is a new drama on Netflix. The show focuses on the rise of hip-hop in the South Bronx, and as you might expect the soundtrack is dynamite. With contributions from Michael Kiwanuka, Leon Bridges, Nas, and more it’s a joyous collection. We’ll play you a couple songs on the show tonight, including this one from Janelle Monae.
First Impression Artist: BLADE OF GRASS
We take a little psychedelic trip this week for our First Impression artist and meet the West Coast three-piece band Blade Of Grass. They just released a new EP called Eyes Like Diamonds that combines a love for electronic music with an almost shoegaze rock sensibility. They harness their songs with just enough of an experimental lean, in turn making this a very exciting collection.
And hear even more new music at our Best New Music Spotify Playlist: