HAIM | still from video
Watch Haim boogie down a street in new “Want You Back” video
Haim’s infectious summer groove “Want You Back” now has a video to match. In the video, we follow Danielle, Alana, and Este strut down an LA street and…well that’s about it, really. But with each member’s confident, silly personalities shining through each super fierce step, the simple concept becomes an incredibly fun and highly entertaining endeavor.
Beginning with sparse air motions of vitally important backing sounds (i.e. Baby Haim’s fabulous move at 0:51 – or Danielle’s utterly amazing drum solos) the video later builds up to a grand finale of an impeccably choreographed routine.
With a core essence of pure fun, stupid, playfulness, the video reminds me of something that me and my sisters would probably come up with if we were ever just like hey, let’s make a music video because why not. Except we’d be lip-syncing to a song that’s not of our creation and would also probably look like complete idiots instead of cool rocker ladies. Yeah on second thought I think we’ll just leave this one to the Haim gals.
Dance along to the video below.