John Morrison
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Hospital Jams: The music that provided solace and motivation on our writer’s road to recovery

Buzzing About Beats: The journey of Philly producer / MC DistantStarr

Music, Modern Art and More: Get to know Philly’s hip-hop renaissance man Ronniere Spacely

The Key’s Year-End Mania: John Morrison’s five haikus for the homies

Stepping Out of the Sub-genre: RVLVR and Ben O’Neill talk about synthesizing a spectrum of influences on Stiff Upper Lip

Philadelphia Jazz Project launches Satellites Are Spinning, a six-month series celebrating Sun Ra, this Friday at The Barnes

Lady Alma and Loose Ends’ Jane Eugene bring the conversation and burn the house down at Kindred Presents

The Kindred Presents variety show might just be the best live music event in the city

Lost In The Neighborhood: Rediscovering the millennium-era rock of Philly’s Ruby Keeler

New Orleans born trumpeter Christian Scott reaches out from the birthplace of jazz to embrace its Diaspora of sound