Lauren Altman
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Listen to Cold Fronts’ debut LP Forever Whatever, see them at Johnny Brenda’s

Ben Hughes revisits old crossroads with A Sun That Only Sets Once

Plow United and Spraynard featured on Hope: a compilation for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Lame-O Records releases inaugural sampler featuring Modern Baseball, Lithuania, The Superweaks and more

Watch Philly’s Ben O’Neill explore the New Great American Songbook

Watch Ben Kessler’s stripped down set for In The Library

Friendship Makes the Flow: Listen to “Shine,” the new track from Hardwork Movement

PREMIERE: Download a live take on Mercury Girls’ unreleased “Collisions”

The Wonder Years and Motion City Soundtrack challenge one other on tour split 7″

Stream a frustrated new single from W.C. Lindsay, “Hang Tough”