Rachel Barrish
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Photo Recap: Turning Violet Violet at Johnny Brenda’s

Saturday and Sunday Concert Picks: Arc in Round, Built to Spill, Free Energy, Steve Wynn, Bonnie “Prince” Billy, and Mynabirds

Tonight’s Concert Pick: WXPN welcomes Toy Soldiers to Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill (download a new song!)

Support the Little Berlin/BITBY Kickstarter

Tonight’s Concert Pick: Now, Now w/ Break it Up and The Pretty Greens at the North Star Bar

Best Coast to be featured in new Fleetwood Mac Tribute Album; playing Union Transfer in July

Our weekend (Saturday and Sunday) concert picks

Photo Recap: Ron & Marley Present Levon Helm Tribute at World Cafe Live

Stream Glen Hansard’s new album on NPR, playing Free at Noon this Friday 6/15

Listen to Fiona Apple’s new album on NPR Music, playing Tower Theatre on June 27