Skye Leppo
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Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett collaborating on a jazz album? (Gaga plays Wells Fargo Center in February)

Stream The Mountain Goats Transcendental Youth

Feel Alive With the Undead Tonight At Zombie Prom; Performances by The Young Werewolves and Live Not On Evil

Stream Sun Airway’s Soft Fall now via MTV Hive (playing Making Time on 10/5)

Download a new Cold Graves track, “Svntn”

Watch Best Coast cover Nirvana’s “About a Girl” (opening for Green Day at The Liacouras Center in January)

Download a new AC Newman Track, “Encyclopedia of Classic Takedowns” (playing the First Unitarian Church on Oct. 29)

Stream “His Phase,” the new single from Pinback (playing Underground Arts on Nov. 9)

Hear a track from the upcoming Glocca Morra EP, An Obscure Moon Lighting an Obscure World

Philly prodigal son John Francis returns from Nashville for a performance at St. George’s United Methodist Church on 9/29