Kerri Ann Raimo
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Philly bands featured on compilation for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Listen to the energetic new single from local bluegrass group Man About A Horse

Ex-Philadelphians Slutever release angsty new track called “Open Wide”

Beach Slang contribute final track of Lame-O Records charity split

Get ready for The Lone Bellow’s Free at Noon with their new Then Came Morning

Dan Rothman of London Grammar on the blizzard and looking forward to their Philly stop this Friday

Listen to the new EP by Church Girls, see them Saturday at MilkBoy

Local punk group Marietta contributes latest track on Lame-O Records charity split

Singer-songerwriter Ben Hughes will release a year’s worth of solo material

Wrapped Up in a Daydream: Listen to Jose Gonzalez’ thoughtful new single