Melannie Jay
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The Menzingers release acoustic “America Pt. 2” in response to national unrest

Fried Monk dances through Penn Park in new “Please Go” video

Tendertwin blends her multinational roots with elegance on debut “Triangles”

Gary Clark Jr. speaks out on protests and death of George Floyd in emotional new Instagram video

Apollo Theater and Gibson present the “Let’s Stay (In) Together” benefit for the historic venue

Listen to The Not Fur Longs’ “Sore Loser” from upcoming EP

Laura Lizcano and Philly pianist Joe Kenney meditate on loss and connection in new single “All’s Not Lost”

Commonwealth Choir sing from the losing side on “Treehouse”

Gorillaz to release ALMANAC annual in October

Shannen Moser is the “World’s Best Magician” on new single