Madorne Lemaine
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The Wonder Years gear up for the release of their new album, Sister Cities

AnnonXL tag-teams with rapper Eli Capella on the expressive, impressive “Finer Things”

Philly collective Sofra spans jazz, hip-hop, funk and soul new EP Not so Not Familiar

Aleana puts words and emotions in the forefront on her Chapter 22 EP

Kwesi’s “Smile 4 Me” is your new hairbrush jam

Brockhampton incites Beatlemania level frenzy at the TLA

Agent Zero recruits Acid Orphan and more for the Nemesis EP

Kevin Morby and Waxahatchee’s Katie Crutchfield link up to cover Jason Molina

Queen of Jeans return with the new single “More to Love,” and a new album called Dig Yourself

Listen to ash.ØK’s new single “Don’t Say Xie-Xie” featuring the West Philadelphia Orchestra