Chad Snyder
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Yo La Tengo continue murdering the classics on Murder in the Second Degree

Beach Slang makes A Loud Bash Of Teenage Feelings on their sophomore LP

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of The Velvet Underground’s Philly Debut with Yo La Tengo

Philly Phish Phans: You heard it live, now stream “Breath and Burning” before it’s release

Purling Hiss sees the future on “3000 AD”

Sun Organ sound like summer’s last gasp on People in the Distance in the Dark

Mykki Blanco sidesteps the feels on “Loner”

Santigold comes home for Neighborhood Flavor Block Party at The Piazza

Modern Baseball’s Jake Ewald continues to please on Slaughter Beach, Dog’s “Forever”

Nothing gets live in the “Curse Of The Sun” video ahead of EU tour